Thursday, May 30, 2013

training 5-30-13

Folsom Canal, 44.5 (4054.5 YTD). QuestXS (foothole covers, hood w/shield). N-32.6, S-33.1, N-28.0, S-29.5, N-flatted, S-29.7. I flatted on the fifth run and found that I had significant patches of no tread around much of the circumference of the right front tire. I'm surprised it could hold air. I replaced it with a used Stelvio. I was thinking of doing one pass (22.5 miles) on Saturday instead of resting 5 1/2 days before Tuesday's TT. While I felt strong on the first lap, not having to work hard (heart, lung or leg-wise) to achieve decent training speed, my heart is telling me it could probably use the extra tissue repair time. Maybe it's tired from pushing gallons of ice cream through my blood vessels. I ended up eating three gallons of it in eight days. That's 26,680 calories of ice cream in eight days-- an average of 3360 calories of ice cream per day. That doesn't count the huge amount of cake and ice cream I ate on my sister's birthday. I'm a sick, sick man.

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