Friday, May 24, 2013

training 5-24-13

Folsom canal, 44.5 miles (3921 YTD). QuestXS (foothole covers, hood w/shield). N-32.6, S-31.5, N-33.1, S-31.8, N-33.3, S-31.8. No drama (32.35mph total ride average). I feel better than I have in a long time thanks, I'm sure, to my ice cream therapy. I feel stronger and my mood is good. The thing I really notice is that my blood pressure doesn't drop so much when I stand up causing me to almost black out. That usually happens when I lose weight but not when I'm at my normal weight like I am now. It's very disconcerting. It especially helps when I get out of the velomobile to turn around on the trail. There are times, especially after faster runs that I feel pretty close to meeting my maker. I feel fine riding but when I stop, get up and decompress-- holy shit. That is one reason I haven't been too gung-ho about doing the local TT's--what would happen after going at full race effort? Well, hopefully that won't be an issue any longer.

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