Monday, March 11, 2013

training 3-11-13

Folsom Canal, 44.5 (2106.5 YTD). QuestXS (foothole covers, hood w/shield). N-27.6, S-27.7, N-27.9, S-28.2, N-28.7, S-28.0. Recovery ride with a high cadence throughout. This felt so good. I've been feeling a bit testy lately so I know I needed it. I'm having a bit of doubt about my plan A tapering program. I probably should have did plan B. Oh well, I'll carry on and see what happens.


Larry Lem said...

Tapering for what event? Maybe this was written in an earlier post, but none of the recent entries.


randy said...

A 5-mile (~12 minutes) watt test on the 26th.